Author Archives: Anders Bernhard

Can LCHF be used as medication for diabetes?

Going on low-carb-high-fat diet after having been diagnosed with diabetes can turn out to be one of the best decisions regarding your health that you have ever made. Testimonials suggest that not only can this diet bring your type 2 diabetes to a point where you don’t need medication but it can also tremendously improve […]


There is “compelling evidence” that the sugar industry initiated research in the 1960s “expressly to exonerate sugar as a major risk factor for coronary heart disease.” Marion Nestle Professor of nutrition, food studies and public health New York University Recent publications have all pointed to a fact that the sugar industry funded research in the 1960s […]

Studies show low-carb-high-fat diet is 3 times more effective for weight loss than low fat diet.

The high risk of mortality in the society has been attributed to high consumption of carbohydrate while high fat, on the other hand, portends lower risk of mortality, as reported by medical researchers. The study as reported in the “Lancet,” says that about 135, 335 people between the ages of 35 and 70 in 18 […]

How your body break down the nutrients in the food that you eat

The body requires nutrients to generate energy for use, growth, and repair of cells. The digestion of food is what the body needs to do this. Before the cells can receive nutrients, our body breaks down the food we eat into smaller molecules of carbohydrates, protein, fats, and vitamins. Here is a summary of the […]

The super flour that lets people on lchf eat bread and other baked goods

ALMOND FLOUR – USES AND HEALTH BENEFITS Almonds, known scientifically as Prunus Dulcis are seeds gotten from the almond tree. They originated from the Middle East, India, and North Africa and are now found in places like Iran, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, Turkey, Syria, Jordan, Israel, and the United States. Almond is readily found in the […]

“I can’t believe it’s not sugar” – the non-sugar sugar that can help you loose weight

SUGAR ALCHOLS (POLYOLS) Sugar alcohols, also known as polyols has been in use for decades as an alternative to sugar. They are classified as carbohydrates and occur naturally in fruits and vegetables although they now widely consumed in sugar-free and reduced-sugar foods. Just as sucrose, the sweetness of sugar alcohols varies from 25% to 100%. […]