Preheat oven to 350 (180℃) and line an 8×8 casserole with parchment paper.
1 Place all ingredients except water in the bowl of a stand mixer* with the k attachment on and mix well. The mixture should be thick, sticky and, smooth. Add water if necessary.
2 Transfer the meat mixture to the casserole. With wet hands shape the mixture into a loaf.
3 Stick a meat thermometer in the center of the loaf and set the temperature to 150℉ (65℃).
4 Turn oven off when core temperature reaches 150℉ (65℃) and let the loaf sit in the oven. Meatloaf is ready when core temp reaches 167℉ (75℃).
Serve meatloaf with a cream sauce, mashed cauliflower, and a sweet pickle.
* If you don’t have a stand mixer, use clean hands and mix in a large bowl